Makers for Fashion Revolution 2019


I can’t believe that Makers for Fashion Revolution (#makersforfashrev) is in it’s fourth year! What started out as a little post on Instagram that I hoped might encourage a few makers to consider the impact of making their own clothes on the environment and society on a broader level, has become a movement. The hashtag now has over 5000 posts and is a treasure trove of inspiring and thought-provoking posts.


What is Makers for Fashion Revolution?

If you are new around these parts, you may be asking ‘What is Makers Fashion Revolution?’ Makers for Fashion Revolution is a movement I started in 2016 as a way to promote the larger movement of Fashion Revolution. Fashion Revolution was born on the day 1138 people were killed in the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh. The mission behind the movement is, “We want to unite people and organisations to work together towards radically changing the way our clothes are sourced, produced and consumed, so that our clothing is made in a safe, clean and fair way.” For more information about Fashion Revolution, check out their website.

You can also read more about it on my blog here and here.

This cause is a very important one, and in 2016 I decided it was important for the sewing community to become involved in it too. As makers of our own clothing we are in a position to ask where our fabrics are coming from, who is impacted by the clothing we make and what the most sustainable practices available to us are.

To promote this cause and encourage people to ask more questions and think more deeply about what a cleaner and more sustainable fashion industry would look like, I will be posting prompts each day of Fashion Revolution Week. This will give you a chance to learn more about what you can be doing to lessen your impact on people and planet, as well as give you a chance to start important conversations with other fashion revolutionaries.

Are you in? If you would like to be, all you need to do is post the below image on your Instagram with the hashtag #makersforfashrev and keep your eye on my Instagram for the daily prompts.

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